Monday 12 November 2012

When Logic Works

I just came to realise there is a term to describe The Voice Balls' mechanism - proportional relation. SIL International, an international non-profit language organisation further explained it as "A proportional relation is a logical relation that establishes a range of conditional relations that together involve direct or inverse correlation." Also, "logical relation is an inter-propositional relation in which a proposition is related to another, in reasoning, as premise to a conclusion, or an antecedent (cause) to a consequent (following as a logical conclusion)."

I'm fortunate to discover this relation, earlier before knowing its scientific credibility. I think it has established a firm foundation for the concept of Voice Balls. It has also reflected my personality as a designer whom would habitually agree to an idea when things are put into logic. I'm not sure whether this just applies to logical person like me, but I believe logic is the essence that would bring people together to start a conversation.

Manipulation Variable: Amount of social expectations
Responding Variable: Loudness of inner voice/ Weight

Now, the concept of Voice Balls is like merging a scientific theory with the social phenomena, and the outcome is actually a product of practical experiment done in a laboratory - to proof that the theory is true.

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