Monday 12 November 2012

Prologue: Giving The Balls A Second Life

So, this is a diary documenting the journey how I give birth to my balls. Hopefully it's a successful project after learning from the mistakes made in the previous stage. It's good to recollect some information noting where have I stopped from the first stage, before entering the second and third stages.

These are the outcome in the first stage:


The mechanism and idea is very simple and direct: The greater (is) the social expectations, the softer (is) the expression of our inner voice.  So when you hold and shake the ball, the one with the most social expectations is the heaviest and has the softest (inner) voice and vice versa. Being an artwork that is commenting the social phenomena, at a certain degree, I just managed to explore at a very neutral phase. When I put myself into the audience's shoe, I find it might be a memorable piece but then I tend to question myself: "After that, what do I get from it?"

So, that question has become my initial intention to work on. I know in order to get a direction to continue improving the work, self-questioning plays a key role. Sometimes, I would have too many questions to myself and they might be unnecessary. I just have to be caution for that!

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