Friday 22 February 2013

Ball Making in Process - Cracked!

A documentation of coating a layer of clay at the outer surface of the ball.

Waking up in the early morning and clearing up my mind.
Ball wrapped with multiple layers of newspapers.
Coating aluminium foil to smoothen the edges.
Entire ball is coated with aluminium foil.
The air-dry clay that I am using. Gede non-firing clay.
Coating the ball with paper clay.
Smoothen the paper clay surface with a sponge.
Waiting the clay to dry under normal room temperature.
Something bad happened. Cracks appeared after leaving it to dry for 30 minutes.
The cracks are really serious after leaving them to dry for a night!
He must be kidding me.
Giving up using clay. Pealing the clay off and seeking for alternative solution.

This is not the first time I fail in using clay. I used polymer oven-baked clay during the first stage of this project and they also cracked. Hence, I made my decision fast and decided not to coat the layer of clay any more. I justified that the reason to use clay - initially is to create a stronger message of human touch, provided with the characteristic that clay has temperature in itself, could now be taken away until I find an alternative way to communicate the sense of human touch.

The reason for it to crack is still unidentified. I suspect the clay is too thin to be coated so when it dries up and contracts, it is easy to crack because there isn't a base (clay) to hold the clay on the surface that contacts with the air.

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